Printed in The Times (9/4/99) Airport Expansion in the Wings I wish to alert all residing near the Robbinsville/Trenton Airport, that there was a presentation regarding the expansion of the Robbinsville Airport. The following items were presented at the July 15, Washington Township Committee meeting by aNew York based company: 1. Extension of the runway and upgrading the airport to FAA standards that will allow small corporate jets and cargo jets to land and take off from Robbinsville. Although some of the corporate jets and cargo jets will not be based here, they will have the right to land and take off from the Robbinsville Airport at any time. Sharon School and Yellow Ribbon Day Care Center are directly in the flight path of all planes that take off and land at the airport. 2. Diversion of Spring Garden Road to allow for expansion and improvement of the runway, and building of a corporate terminal on Spring Garden Road. Also, a new flight training school will be constructed. This will definately be a hazard to Sharon School and the surrounding area. 3. Five more hangaers will be constructed on Sharon Road (over the toxic waste site), to accomodate 69 more planes. Pollution -- fuel emission from jets, trucks and cars on all roads leading to the airport will diminish the air quality and increased noise levels will have an adverse effect on our quality of life (obviously our property values will drop dramatically). Present work being done at the airport has bypassed our township zoning officer. Once FAA takes hold of what is to be done at the airport, the people of the township will have to come forward. We must come forward now. The FAA has the power to override descisions our township officials may choose to make. Please attend Washington Township Committe meetings and Planning Board meetings. Our heatlh and the heatlh and safety of our children are being threatened. Washington Township Comittee meetings are held the third and fourth Wednesday of each month. Sometimes there are special meetings called, so please look up the dates and times of these meetings in The Times classified section 5010 of the daily newspaper, under public notices and in your local newspaper. For more information call the Municipal Building at 259-7082, Township Clerk, ext. 134, Planning Board, ext. 123. The "airport expansion" is not always on the meeting's agenda, but is usually under "Business to discuss" or "Discussion items" therefore it is important that you attend all meetings. [name withheld] |